Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cool Balloon Creation

Melissa has branched out and is conquering more difficult balloon sculptures. Instead of the regular animal balloons like a balloon dog, sword or teddy bear - take a look at the awesome 6 foot high balloon tree with a monkey holding a bunch of bananas. It took a little over an hour - but it was well worth it!
check out our website:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

SC Homeschool Convention - Children's Program

Melissa and I led a Children's Program with 10 of our friends. We were at the SC Homeschool Educator's Association in Sumter, SC. Lots of fun and a lot of work to entertain over 100 children for the weekend of June 19 and 20. We did things like puppets, animal balloons, magic, crafts, songs, games, and of course snacks! There is no way we could have made it through the weekend without help from our friends. Thanks for all your help! I'll do another blog later about some of the highlights.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Graduation Balloon Hat!

Melissa made me a balloon hat for graduation. I finally finished my Master's degree!! It took six years with only one class at a time. Of course I didn't wear it for the actual graduation, but I did take it to BJU in Greenville, SC to show everyone. Hope you like the balloon graduation hat. :-)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Puppets all weekend

This past weekend we did puppets at Faith Baptist Church in Greenville County, SC. We probably did a total of five different puppet shows. Kevin the magician entertained with magic tricks. And we did balloons Saturday night. The kids had a great time!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday - Puppets

Well, we usually do puppets Tuesday, but we have the night off. Melissa is making some balloon sculptures for work tomorrow. Some balloon roses and maybe something else. We are also getting for a busy weekend, but now we have to go to her volleyball game.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saturday Night

Melissa had her employees over from BJU Saturday night. We made a balloon cat, a balloon flower, a teddy bear on a hear balloon and a cool pirate balloon. The pirate balloon has a parrot on one arm and a hook on the other arm. In the picture you can see the pirate has his own treasure chest! I did some magic tricks, too! Everyone loves a fun magician. :-)

Saturday Morning Fun

Hands Full of Fun entertained with balloon animals Saturday morning! We were at BJES Field Day in Greenville, SC from 9-12. Check out our cool balloon hats!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Balloon Flowers

Melissa just finished some balloon flowers. They look great! It's for someone's birthday tomorrow at Melissa's work in Greenville, SC. She tried some new designs for her balloons and put them in a cool balloon vase.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Two Puppet Shows, One Day

We did puppets this morning at BJU for 70 pre-schoolers. They loved singing along with the pupepts. Tonight the puppets were at Pelham Rd. Chick-fil-a in Greenville, SC. A cool magician came out and did some illusions during breaks . . . oh wait, that's me. :-) Now we're back home in Greer and ready for bed.
Anytime you need Balloons, Puppets or Magic - contact us

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday in Greer, South Carolina

Hands Full of Fun! Balloons, Puppets and Magic. Tomorrow we are doing a puppet show at BJU in Greenville, SC. We'll have puppet songs and a puppet story. It for the children at the development center.
We are also doing a puppet show at a Chick-fil-a in Greenville, South Carolina Tuesday evening.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday Fun

We had a puppet show Saturday morning in Greenville, SC (South Carolina)! Elmer (puppet) made a showing and entertained the kids. Saturday evening Hands Full of Fun made a balloon birthday cake for Paul Michael Garrison. We had a birthday party for him in Greenville and had lots of fun.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Puppet Show in Greenville, SC

Hands Full of Fun is getting ready for a puppet show tomorrow at a Bible Club in Greenville, SC. I'll be sure to bring the camera and maybe get some kids with the puppets. Maybe Kevin, the Magician, will show up. I'm not sure how we are going to do the puppet songs - we do not have a battery for our sound system. I'm sure the kids will love the puppets even without the sound system, but might have to invest in a battery. No balloons tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hands Full of Fun - Balloons, Puppets, and Magic

Busy, Busy week. I just got back from a conference in Myrtle Beach last night; it is good to be home here in Greer, South Carolina. Melissa did a Balloon workshop Monday night at BJU and Charlie helped out. We did puppets last night at Chick-fil-a in Greenville and everyone had a lot of fun.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hands Full of Fun - Birthday Party

Well, we're back home after entertaining at the birthday party in Greenville, SC. It looked like everyone loved Hands Full of Fun today! We started with puppets and had a "Happy Birthday" script with Ralph and Elmer. I did magic tricks in between. The kids were entertained with the sponge ball magic tricks. After the puppet show and magic, Melissa and I made some animal balloons for the children. We're tired, but had a lot of fun.

Birthday Party preview

No blogs yesterday, because of my birthday. But today Melissa and I getting ready for a Birthday Party this afternoon! We entertaining through puppets, magic and balloons. The puppets scripts Melissa wrote are ready to go and now I have to do some memorizing. One of the scripts gives hints to the kids about animal balloons. And, of course, the puppets Ralph and Elmer will make a showing. More later.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Puppet Practice

Puppet practice tonight! We went over new scripts and new songs and had a lot of fun. Another thing we got accomplished was taking some pictures of Melissa and me so our Hands Full of Fun website could be updated. Before there was only a picture of Melissa and me with our balloon Mr. McDougal. And the picture was very grainy, so it was time that we showed you our puppets, Ralph and Elmer. We hope you like them - these puppets make Hands Full of Fun . . . extra fun.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Magic Tricks

Some of you are probably wondering what kind of magic I do. I love sponge ball magic tricks and so do the kids. I usually try to do some magic tricks in between our puppet songs or puppet stories. I also do coin magic, rope tricks, silk tricks, and card tricks. And some magic tricks that use specialized props like the crayons in the picture.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Puppets at Chick-fil-a

We did puppets at Chick-fil-a tonight in Greer, South Carolina. I think everyone had a great time and we had a great turnout! A very nice restaurant to do puppets and the customers are great, too. I was able to do some magic tricks while the puppets took a break. One cool song that we did was about King Ahab - I have a picture you can see.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Evening

It's Monday night and Melissa just wrote a puppet script. It's for a birthday party that Hands Full of Fun is performing on Saturday. We are entertaining through puppets, magic and balloons. Melissa usually writes a special script for the birthday kid. Tomorrow night we're doing a puppet show at Chick-fil-a.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday later afternoon

Never fear - the suspense is over! :-) Melissa and I finished our balloon creations. We decided to do some princess balloons. I just had a thought. . . . we need to do some guy balloon stuff. But that will have to be another day. Hope you enjoy the balloons we made. :-)

Sunday Afternoon

just heard a great message from the book of Acts.

We're going to make a balloon sculpture - but we don't know which one yet.
Oh, the suspense is killing me. . . .I'll come back after the balloon creation is done.

Next weekend Melissa and I are doing a birthday party in Greenville, SC. We'll be doing puppets, magic and balloons! I think Melissa is going to work on a special puppet script for the birthday child.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

balloon wrist flower (balloon corsage)

Melissa made a balloon wrist corsage.
Since girls like balloons and they like flowers,
- they love balloon flowers!

Saturday Night

We just got home after a fun day playing board games and hanging out with friends afterward. We brought the balloon flower vase and put it in a drawing with other gift certificates. Karen Vailliencourt won the balloons! Charlie Johnson (Melissa's brother) won a gift certificate to Boardwalk and Park Place.

Saturday Morning

Good Morning! Melissa and I are going to Game Day at the Taylor's Library. We ususally play Euro games like Kingsburg, Agricola, Ticket to Ride, etc. A lot of people aren't familiar with these games - but many have heard of Settlers of Catan, a famous Euro game. We're going to bring our balloon Flower Vase we made last night and give it away to a lucky winner. A couple of months ago we made balloon animals for the children that came.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Melissa is making a balloon sculpture right now. She keeps bopping me with balloons as she twists her creation. :-) I think it will look cool when its done, but right now it looks like an balloon octopus. . . . or a balloon tower. . . . but she said she is making a balloon flower vase. I'll take a picture and post it here or maybe on our website.

Under our slide show link we have other flower balloons that you can look at.

Well she wants me to make some balloon flowers to put in the vase. too bad I can't use my magic to . . . poof . . . make some appear. ;-)

Hands Full of Fun is here!

This is our first post.

Melissa and I operate Hands Full of Fun in Greenville, SC.

We entertain through Balloons, Puppets, and Magic.

Go to
we've been performing with puppets for more than 10 years. We use professional puppets that delight childen and adults alike.