Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Balloons at Roper Mtn. Lights

Well we helped Joyset Entertainment in the month of December at the Roper Mtn Lights. We twisted and twisted and twisted more balloons than I care to think about to put smiles on childrens' (and some adults) faces. This was our second year helping out and we enjoyed it! Come by next year!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Balloon Fun

Balloons last weekend twice and Balloons this weekend at Oakview Elementary. We did Oakview last year and it was cold but had lots of fun making the balloons. Supposed to be cold again.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Balloons at Elementary Field Day

Melissa and I twisted balloons Saturday morning for the BJU Elementary Field Day. Lots and lots of balloons and lots and lots of smiling children! April 17, 2010

I hope you like the cool balloon hats we made for the occasion.
(and no . . . I wasn't tempted to eat mine)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Birthday Party - Balloon Time

Since we make balloons at birthdays . . . .

Melissa decided to make me a balloon creation for my birthday.

She thought a balloon buzzard seemed fitting since I am now 30 years old.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Balloon Motorcycle

Melissa made a life-size balloon motorcycle - Here it is in Greenville, SC (Bob Jones University). We estimate it to be about 150 balloons. I think it looks awesome. More pictures of it are on facebook!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Birthday Party Greenville, SC

Here are some photos from a Pirate Birthday Party in Greenville, SC we had a few weeks ago.

Entertaining with Puppets, Balloons, and Magic in Greenville, Greer and the surrounding area

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day - Balloon Hat

Melissa made a cool balloon hat for St. Patrick's day!

We might make other balloon creations later tonight.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Puppets Shows all weekend

We did two puppets shows this weekend. Saturday we travelled to Clemson, SC and performed a puppet show for the great kids and folks at Chick-fil-a. We did another puppets show at Sonpoint Baptist Church on Sunday. Lots of work and lots of fun!!

We also recently bought a puppet for our puppet team. Help us name this cute puppet!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Balloon Monkey - for birthday

Busy weekend ahead of us with some puppet performances in Clemson and Greenville, SC. But Melissa just made a balloon monkey swinging on a vine for someone's birthday.

Also, we have a facebook page if you don't get on our website that much.
Just search for "hands full of fun"


Monday, March 8, 2010

Melissa and I made balloon animals at the Greenville Drive Stadium on Saturday, March 6 2010. There was a Clemson vs. USC baseball game. Loads of fun!!
Our puppets will be at Chick-fil-a of Pelham Rd. on Tuesday - March 9
and Chick-fil-a of Clemson on Saturday - March 13

Friday, March 5, 2010

Balloon Stork - Greenville, SC

Melissa just finished making a balloon stork - life-size for a baby shower! It looks great!!
Also - getting ready for balloon twisting at the Greenville Drive Stadium on Saturday. 11am-2pm

Monday, March 1, 2010

Balloons, Puppets and Magic in March

Happy March everyone! Hands Full of Fun will be busy this month.

Joyset Entertainment just asked us to help out at a Greenville Drive game with balloons.
It's a Clemson vs. USC baseball game!
We'll be there from 11-2 on Saturday, March 6th. http://www.greenvilledrive.com/

We have our puppet shows at Chick-fil-a:

Pelham Rd. CFA - March 9
Clemson CFA - March 13
Greer CFA - March 30

We may have another opportunity with Balloons during BJU Bible Conference. We'll keep you posted!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Balloons, Puppets and Magic - alright!!

Well it has been awhile since I've been here. Hands Full of Fun has been busy!! (and I've been a slacker and not updated the blog)

In the Fall we did balloons at Farm Fest and regular puppet shows at Chick-fil-a's in the area
At Christmas time we helped Carl Woody (http://www.joyset.com/) with the Roper Mtn. Lights - that was tons of fun!!

We just did a Birthday party this weekend and almost every weekend is full the spring, 2010.
Everyone loves balloons, puppets, and magic - and we seem to be getting busier.
